Become a member or corporate sponsor


that Georgia’s oldest continuously performing community theatre group is right here in Dalton? It’s true! One of the many wonderful things about our community is that it has played such a significant role in the history of our state.

DLT has been performing since 1869, stopping only for WWI, WWII, and the COVID-19 pandemic. We are proud to be a part of Dalton’s history and look forward to entertaining for years to come. In order to do that we rely on the support of our patrons who share our passion for integrating the arts into the community. DLT depends on the generous support of our members and sponsors. In these difficult economic times we know that each and every dollar of support is hard earned and that you are standing in support of the arts and live theatre when you contribute. We believe that our  history is a proud one and with your support we will carry on that tradition.

Please join Dalton Little Theatre and keep the tradition alive.

  • All memberships/sponsorships are fully tax deductible

  • Members and sponsors receive a discount on the purchase of individual or season tickets

  • Members are acknowledged in each playbill and Sponsors also receive advertising space in our playbills and on our website.

  • Members and sponsors vote for the annual Billy Awards.

  • To join, click the "Become a Member" button below, call (706) 226-6618, or print our MEMBERSHIP FORM and return it to DLT.


Become a member
Please send membership forms to:
Dalton Little Theatre
PO Box 841
Dalton, GA 30722


Dalton Little Theatre is an entirely volunteer-run organization. There is a place for everyone in the DLT family, whether you want to be on-stage or backstage. Volunteers not only direct and perform productions but also design and build sets, create costuming, usher shows, pop popcorn, create webpages, and administer board committees.

If you’d like to learn more about how you can get involved with DLT,just call us at (706) 226-6618 or send us an e-mail at

Dalton Little Theatre also maintains a Facebook group where volunteer needs and opportunities are posted. We hope that you will consider joining us, both in the group and as a volunteer.

If you’d like to receive our mail and/or e-mail notifications about upcoming productions/auditions and other activities, send us your contact information to

Save Me A Seat

Thanks to generous grants, we were able to replace the seating in the Historic Firehouse Theatre. As a result, we are offering patrons the opportunity to purchase a Seat Plaque/Plate honoring the individual of their choice (or themselves) for a $100 contribution. Your honoree will become a permanent part of the DLT legacy. Forty plus seats have been dedicated, contact now to honor yourself or someone else with a chair plaque/plate.

Save me a Seat